Sunday, March 16, 2008

Nature's Finests Desserts

After a wonderful lunch.. a dessert is definitely called for. A dessert is a sophisticated term for a sweet dish after a meal(I love being sophisticated). Its pronounced "dis-zert". The word comes from the old french desservir,meaning "to clear the table."

Common desserts include cakes, cookies, fruits, pastries,ice- creams and candies. More Indian way of could be payasam or kheer, gulab jamun(slurp.),fruit salad,or any indian sweet dish served afer meal..(mera bharat mahan..).

Well today i had my lunch and was on my way to the hostel (on my knight rider.. wait for a blog on it ), while I saw this man yelling at me" banni saar banni, 10 rupaige yelneeru saar "..taaja saar..sweet ide"ganji beka ,neeru beka,kai beka.."

An exact translation would be " come sir come, 10 rupees young coconut water"(this translation could be funny..its not without a purpose..coming soon "englishina kole".. i cant resist this.. here is a classic one i heard at class " you salve the prablams pikkedd pikkedd from tha textbook" in kannada it goes like this.."pattya pustakadinda prashnegalanna hekki hekki uttarisi")

(Ok jokes apart) I stopped for a drink. He said"taaja saar..sweet ide..ganji beka ,neeru beka,kai beka.." I said "anna.. ondu ganji kodi". Let me explain the different varieties of coconut u get. I'm not going by their species or varieties but by the local slang used for describing your requirements..

Its a plain very young coconut that contains jus sweet water for a drink..rather enormous content.. a normal size could contain upto 650 ml of juice. After u r finished u jus pay and walk off (looser.. don get anything more)

(also paper ganji or plain ganji)
Its the same previous package..the coconut is older than previous one. juice volume could be less but after u are finished (u get a surprise gift inside) u give the vendor to slice it open and u can relish a thin film of just formed coconut flesh. This white slush is tastes like heaven. if its paper ganji den u could get fairly one or two mouthful of flesh.. plain ganji gives u with this flesh in abundance but lesser coconut juice.

This package comes with plenty hard coconut flesh that is edible and can be very fulfilling, the quantity of juice available could be jus around 300 ml. Opt for this if your meal is lite(u get more to eat).The coconut flesh is chewy, sweet and delicious..

Back to my story.. so i drank the juice which almost filled my stomach,but a huge relief on a hot working day afternoon.. soon i was about to leave when the vendor cut it open and offered the young soft sweet flesh.. here u go ..its one of nature's finest desserts in the offering..

With a heavy but fulfilled(fully filled also..) stomach i climbed up my bed only to sleep all the way to glory..


suraj said...

Smaran, Have as much as possible, b'coz once you leave sullia, thats all. No more you get the best of best tender coconuts. You'll unfortunately forget the yeleneeru and start taking kingfisher beeru.Best of Luck.

SmartDude said...

@suraj lol thats true.. well as much i think i'll forget sullia i remember how cool its been staying over here